Socialgist Tiktok

The Socialgist Tiktok allows you to search for short videos on Tiktok

The Socialgist Tiktok component allows you to search for short videos on Tiktok

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Unify Schema

This data source already use Unify Schema.

How to use?

The Socialgist Tiktok is powered by the Jobs System, when interacting with the component you have the option to define your jobs queries.

Search Queries


Available filters for Socialgist Tiktok can be found in the table below:

Filter NameDescription
queryList of keywords or a phrase to search
max_documentsSet a limit for the number of posts that will be fetched for the search.

The Lucene Query is supported for this component in the query field. Here are some of the basics queries that you can try:


content.body: drinks

Boolean operators:

cats OR dogs

Comments only:

tiktok.content_type: comment

Videos only:

tiktok.content_type: video

Comments and Videos:

tiktok.content_type: (comment OR video)

Hashtags only:

tiktok.content_type: tag

English content:

enrichment.language: en

Search by hashtags:

tiktok.content_type: video AND content.hashtags:(fashion OR perfume)


Search for cats or dogs

Query cats or dogs every 12 hours:

Using the API, you can use the Code button to extract this example:

curl --location '{PIPELINE_ID}/components/{COMPONENT_ID}/jobs?ready=true' \
      --header 'apikey: <your-api-key>' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data \
          "job_name": "{JOB_NAME}",
          "data_source": "socialgist_tiktok",
          "query": {
            "query_string": "cats OR dogs"
          "job_type": "periodic",
          "schedule": "0 0 0/12 1/1 * ? *",
          "max_documents": 50

For more details on creating data collection jobs, see Job Management.

Additional Details

Source Attributes and Stats

There are 3 types of content: video, comment and tag. You can use the field tiktok.content_type to filter the kind you want.

Other information about the content:

  • Crawling is focused on user and hashtag pages.
  • Available data: videos, hashtag stats, top level comments. Only 2 years of data is available at current rollout.
  • Crawl frequency:
    • User and hashtag pages: every 12 hours (includes updating the video metadata stats)
    • Hashtag stats: every 6 hours
    • Comments: periodically for 30 days after initial video discovery (initial crawl, 1, 5, 10, 30 days)
  • Initial Collection:
    • User pages: when adding user pages, 30 most recent videos will be captured with initial crawl and new videos moving forward
    • Hashtag pages: these pages are not sorted by date so not possible to guarantee latest videos; with each crawl the 30 β€œtop” videos are captured. This sorting is determined by TikTok.
    • To participate in program, submit user pages and hashtag pages your clients wish to track and analyze.

Example Result

Tag content example:

{ "data_source": "socialgist_tiktok", "tiktok": { "content_type": "tag" }, "doc_date": "2024-07-15T16:35:28.364Z", "source": { "link": "" }, "content": { "hashtags": [ "#gadget" ], "views_count": "22000000000", "found": "2024-07-15T16:35:28.364Z" }, "id": "c51d1f71907fb416528dda034a78c6d637baeca3ca0adb2eb3820e8e8b21b225"

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