Data365 Instagram Profile Feed Posts

Ingress component for fetching Instagram profile posts from feed via the Data365 API

Use the "Data365 Instagram Profile Feed Posts" to fetch posts from feed of any Instagram profile.

The component is integrated with Data365 Instagram Profile API.

New to Datastreamer? Start here.


Unify Schema

This data source is supported by Unify Schema


You will need a Data365 API key to use this component. If you don't have one reach out to [email protected] and our team will help you with that.

How To Use?

The Data365 Instagram Profile Feed Posts is powered by the Jobs System, when interacting with the component you have the option to define your jobs queries.

Search Queries

Providing the Instagram ID or username, the integration fetch the posts from the user feed. The current version of this component does not provide a query search in the user posts data.


Search for feed posts since December 12th

Fetch posts from feed of the user "leomessi" since December 12th.

Using the API, you can use the Code button to extract this example

curl --location '{PIPELINE_ID}/components/{COMPONENT_ID}/jobs?ready=true' \
      --header 'apikey: <your-api-key>' \
      --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      --data \
          "job_name": "{JOB_NAME}",
          "data_source": "data365_instagram_profile_posts_feed",
          "query": "leomessi",
          "job_type": "oneTime",
          "query_from": "2024-12-12T00:00:00.000Z",
          "query_to": "2025-01-03T00:00:00.000Z"

For more details on creating data collection jobs, see Job Management.