Platform Pricing Overview
An overview of how pricing and costs are measured and displayed for your pipelines.
What are the key points?
As a summary, here are the key things to know about the platforms pricing. Each of these points are covered in greater detail in their own sections.
- The Platform is usage-based pricing.
- Usage of various components are measured in Data Volume Units (DVUs).
- The number of pipelines, components, or users do not affect pricing.
- The billing cycle is monthly.
- Commitments to usage of different volumes of DVUs can be used to lower the cost per DVU.
You can see usage at any time.
Portal has a detailed Billing Dashboard page that allows you to see the usage and costs at any point. You can also see projected spend based on usage patterns, and historical usage from previous months.
Usage Based Pricing
The Platform you are using to create your dynamic pipelines is a usage-based model. The amount of data flowing through the Pipeline is measured with "Data Volume Units" (DVUs), and billed accordingly. This can be simply visualized with the following formula:
(DVUs used) X (DVUs price) = Component Cost
Data Volume Units (DVUs) are relative units meant to bring a common measurement to the many different measurements present in different data sources, vendors, providers, AI providers, and more. The Data Volume Units page gives a detailed understanding of this metric. Data Volume Units Explained.
You can lower the DVUs price from the above example with Volume Commitments, which are explained below.
The Platform usage is measured as a sum of usage across the components in any pipeline, so you can use as many (or as few) pipelines as you need.
Many components, especially those from our partners, support (and may require) Volume Commitments. These Volume Commitments are often called "Commits".
A Commit is pre-determined volume of usage that is locked in for the next billing cycle. A simple formula to illustrate the usage is:
(DVUs commitment volume + usage exceeding commitment) X (discounted price) = Component Cost
Commits are a great way to get cost reductions in higher volumes of content, and can reduce the cost of a component by 70%+. As you may see in the above formula, there is not extra fees or overage costs that occur if you exceed a commit. There is also no account locking that occurs if a commit is exceeded.
Many partner-provided components can require a minimum commit to use their offerings. Changing commits and are required to have prior notice before a new billing cycle. A notice period of changing commits is detailed in your usage agreement.
Some components may also have the benefit of being part of a bundle. This allows you to set one commit where the DVU usage will be shared across multiple component. For more information on bundles, you can see the detailed page here: More Info.
Billing Cycle
Billing is done on the first of every month, and consists of any usage over Commits in the past month, and any Commits for the new month.
Changing commits and account tiers are required to have prior notice before a new billing cycle. A notice period of changing commits is detailed in your usage agreement.
Account Tiers
Within the Platform, your organization's account can be either in Standard or Standby. A Standby account has read-only access to their platform and is unable to run or deploy dynamic pipelines.
A Standard account requires a minimum Platform Fee commitment, and has full access to all Platform capabilities.
You can migrate an account between Account Tiers each billing month. However, changing tiers are required to have prior notice before a new billing cycle. A notice period of changing account tiers is detailed in your usage agreement.
Updated 3 months ago