Pricing Calculator(Portal)
You can use the pricing calculator to assess the cost for future roadmap expansions with ease.
What is the Pricing Calculator?
There is nothing worse that delaying the development of a new feature because of unknown costs! The Pricing Calculator within Portal allows you to estimate the cost of any expansion to your pipelines.
Please Note: Estimations are estimations!
Estimations in the Pricing Calculator are based on average volumes and the relative DVU metric. As a result, the estimation accuracy is not the same as billing. Some slight variance between estimation and final billing is expected.
How to use the Pricing Calculator
Opening the Pricing Calculator will look similar to below. You are now ready to add items to estimate.
As you add items, you will notice that some services may be bundled together. These bundles allow you to use multiple components within one billing item. For more information on bundles, we have a detailed page here: Component Bundles.
As you add items, you will be able to enter the estimated volume (in DVUs), and any Commitments. This then provides an estimated costs and also calculates the platform usage fee based on volumes. Any pricing optimization suggestion will also appear.
A recommendation engine inside the pricing estimator will suggest a commit with the best cost savings to help optimize your spend. Selecting the "Apply Now" will apply that commit to your estimate.
Sharing the estimations
You can not currently share the estimations made, nor are they saved. While we are working on sharing capabilities, we are doing so in a manner that allows flexibility of change. New functionality, price modifications, or commit levels can change, and may cause your estimation to change.
How do I apply the estimations?
The Pricing Calculator is an estimation tool and does not change you commitments, usage of any features, or billing. It is meant to be an estimation tool for the purpose of exploring future options and roadmap planning.
To take any of the learnings from the pricing calculator and apply them to your account, you must follow the processes description in the Platform Pricing Overview.
Updated 2 months ago