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Webhook Egress

Sends pipeline data to an external URL via customizable HTTP requests

The Webhook Egress component is a configurable egress module that can be added to a pipeline to send data to an external system via HTTP requests. It allows users to define a URL, HTTP method, headers, and other options to customize how the data is transmitted. This component is particularly useful for integrating with third-party APIs, webhooks, or other HTTP-based services.

Component Configuration

The Webhook Egress component is a versatile component designed to integrate with external systems by sending data via HTTP requests. It allows users to define a destination URL, specify the HTTP method, and customize headers, authentication, and metadata inclusion. With options to handle sensitive data securely, use proxies, and add request signatures, this component ensures reliable and secure data transmission. Its configuration makes it suitable for a wide range of use cases, from triggering webhooks to integrating with third-party APIs.

Below is an image illustrating the component's configuration interface.


The URL is destination URL where the data will be sent. The field accepts a valid HTTP or HTTPS URL (e.g.,


In this select box, the Method enables the user to choose the HTTP method for the request. The component supports the following methods: PUT and POST.


The Use Proxy enables the use of a proxy for the outgoing request. Use this if you need to whitelist requests from Datastreamer.


The Use Signature adds a signature header to the HTTP request. This can be used to ensure the integrity of the request. Choosing this option will allow the user to select the signature stored as a secret from Keys & Secrets.


With the Headers the user can provide custom headers to include in the HTTP request. Headers should be formatted as key-value pairs separated by semicolons.

Example: Authorization: Bearer abc123; Content-Type: application/json

Use Headers From Secret

About the Use Headers From Secret, if the headers contain sensitive information (e.g., API tokens), they should be configured as a secret. Enabling this option will allow the user to select the header stored as a secret from Keys & Secrets.


The field Include Metadata specifies how metadata should be included in the request. Options include:

  • No: Metadata is not included.
  • As HTTP Headers: Metadata is added as HTTP headers.
  • As Query Parameters: Metadata is appended to the URL as query parameters.
  • As JSON: Metadata is included in the request body as a JSON object.

Select the appropriate option based on the requirements of the destination system.