Opoint_News (Provided by Opoint Media) provides near-time public international news content.
Searchable Records | Update Frequency | Partner Type |
315 Million (90 days) | Near-time (Max 10-minute latency) | Stream Integrated |
Applicable Metadata Categories | Compatible |
Source | Yes |
Content | Yes |
Author | Yes |
Person | No |
Enrichment | Yes |
Organization | No |
Data source-specific fields? | Yes, please see the Metadata page. |
Classifier & Model | Compatible |
Named Entity Recognition | Yes |
Location_Inference | No |
Language | Yes |
Reported_Violence | No |
Sentiment | Yes |
Hard_News | Yes |
As a Stream-Integrated partner, all streaming features are available.
Features | Compatible |
Search API | Yes |
Date Histograms | Yes |
Term Aggregations | Yes |
Highlighting | Yes |
Fuzzy and Proximate Search | Yes |